LegacyChris BanuchiFebruary 05, 2021omnitellComment Perfy OmniTell LegacyChris BanuchiFebruary 05, 2021omnitellComment MTG Legacy with KaldheimUG OmniTell (Cory Lonas)vs Dead Guy Ale (Sean Turley)vs Shardless Valki (Jesse Ma)vs Ruby Storm (Gordon Fjeldsted)vs Temur Delver (Boston Schatteman) Chris Banuchi 0 Likes
LegacyChris BanuchiJanuary 04, 2021omnitell, jesse ma1 Comment Bant OmniTell LegacyChris BanuchiJanuary 04, 2021omnitell, jesse ma1 Comment
LegacyChris BanuchiJanuary 13, 2021doomsday, gordon fjeldstedComment Grixis Doomsday LegacyChris BanuchiJanuary 13, 2021doomsday, gordon fjeldstedComment
LegacyChris BanuchiFebruary 08, 2021storm, the epic storm, bryant cookComment The Epic Storm LegacyChris BanuchiFebruary 08, 2021storm, the epic storm, bryant cookComment
LegacyChris BanuchiMarch 01, 2021phil blechman, bant controlComment Bant Control LegacyChris BanuchiMarch 01, 2021phil blechman, bant controlComment
LegacyChris BanuchiApril 06, 2021sneak and show, omnitellComment Sneak and Show LegacyChris BanuchiApril 06, 2021sneak and show, omnitellComment