Jund Lands

MTG Legacy with Commander Legends.
Jund Lands with Spreading Algae (Phil Nguyen)
vs Turbo Depths (Thomas Hepp)
vs Temur Delver (Roland Chang)
Chris Banuchi
MTG Legacy with Commander Legends.
Jund Lands with Spreading Algae (Phil Nguyen)
vs Turbo Depths (Thomas Hepp)
vs Temur Delver (Roland Chang)
Will be on @alli_on_mtgo’s 60 for Sushi Lands aka Total Landscaping! Tune in now to see @Negator77 and @JMee3rd battle it out to see who advances. https://t.co/JGrjdyU5yN pic.twitter.com/yAOOnZHbZK
— Phil N. (@mtgbanding) November 19, 2020