LegacyChris BanuchiApril 22, 2021mentor, tony drovettoComment Esper Mentor LegacyChris BanuchiApril 22, 2021mentor, tony drovettoComment MTG Legacy with Strixhaven.Esper Mentor by Tony Drovetto. Testing Vanishing Verse and Fracture from Strixhaven. 3 rounds with this deck available to our YouTube members (+ some bonus rounds with other archetypes) Chris Banuchi 0 Likes
ModernChris BanuchiNovember 18, 2020mill, mentorComment Esper Mentor vs Dimir Mill ModernChris BanuchiNovember 18, 2020mill, mentorComment
ModernChris BanuchiJanuary 07, 2021tony drovetto, stonebladeComment Orzhov Stoneblade ModernChris BanuchiJanuary 07, 2021tony drovetto, stonebladeComment
LegacyChris BanuchiJanuary 18, 2021rich cali, jeskai control, mentorComment Jeskai Mentor LegacyChris BanuchiJanuary 18, 2021rich cali, jeskai control, mentorComment
LegacyChris BanuchiFebruary 14, 2021hogaak, hogaak vineComment Hogaak Vengevine LegacyChris BanuchiFebruary 14, 2021hogaak, hogaak vineComment
LegacyChris BanuchiJuly 24, 2022jeskai control, jeskai mentorComment Jeskai Mentor LegacyChris BanuchiJuly 24, 2022jeskai control, jeskai mentorComment