90sMTG Best of 2020

Best Matches of 2020 on 90sMTG
In no particular order, here are a few of the best matches on 90sMTG in the year 2020. Enjoy!
Mono Red Prowess budget burn deck faces off against typical Izzet Delver deck. [MTG Legacy]
One of the first streams with our bracket tournament format on Wednesdays. The reaction from Chris and Jeremy on one of the key plays in this match was memorable. [MTG Legacy]
8 Rector Nic Fit vs Elves with Allosaurus Shepherd. [MTG Legacy]
Grixis Phoenix vs 4c Snow Control with Shark Typhoon. [MTG Legacy]
UG Madness vs Terravore Armageddon. [MTG Premodern]
Finals of the Big Apple Brainstorm tournament. Temur Delver vs Yorion Death and Taxes. [MTG Legacy]
Chris Banuchi