Bifrost Games 2K

Bifrost Games 2K

Bifrost Games in NYC hosted a $2000 prize pool Legacy event with 44 players.

Lists from this event are posted in our Discord server.

Round 1: Death and Taxes (Roland Chang) vs Dimir Scam (Ryan burnt_taco77)

Round 2: Mono Black Reanimator (John G) vs Dimir Scam (Ryan burnt_taco77)

Round 3: Goblins (Andrew T.) vs Cloudpost (mana_station)

Round 4: Goblins (Andrew T.) vs Grixis Delver (Dave Kaplan)

Round 5: Golgari Depths (Reuben) vs Mono Black Reanimator (John G.)

Round 6: Grixis Delver (Jeffrey Z.) vs Cephalid Breakfast (Matt G.)

Top 8: Mono Black Reanimator vs 5c Control (Hank Zhong)

(top 4 split prize)